
`` At the age of 4 years ... Success is.....
not to  pee in your pants

At the age of 8 years ... Success is.....
To know the way back home

At the age of 12 years  success  is to
Have friends

At the age of 18 years  success is
To get a driver's license

At the age of 23 years old  success is
To graduate at the university

At the age of 25 years  success is to
Get a job

At the age of 30 years  success is to
Be a family

At the age of 35 years  success is
To get money

At the age of 45 years success is
To maintain the appearance of a young man

At the age of 50 years  success is
The yield your education for your children

At the age of 55 years  success is
To still be able to perform your duties well

At the age of 60 years  success is
To still be able to keep driving license
At the age of 65 years  success is
To live without disease

At the age of 70 years  success is
You are not a burden on any one

At the age of 75 years  success is
To have old friends

At the age of 80 years  success is
To know the way back home

At the age of 85 years  success is
That not to pee in your pants again!!☺☺


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